In order to carry out all the projects that Kiwanis is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees.
AAUW/Kiwanis Book Sale Committee
The goal of this committee is to encourage each Kiwanian to volunteer at least three times during the next year to support the efforts of the book sale. In addition, the committee will partner with AAUW to evaluate and determine the longer-term plan for the sale.
Community Service
This committee serves to keep us actively involved in our community through a variety of service opportunities. They are tasked with maintaining communications with the city and county administrators and others to determine and educate our club on our local needs. They serve as the funnel for volunteer partnerships with other community organizations and as a team to review fund requests from outside of the club. This committee coordinates volunteer efforts that support other community agencies. Goal: To maintain strong community service in addition to our major project and recruit members to support projects with skills, time, and finances.
This committee is responsible for leading the charge of our fundraising efforts to support the service activities of our Club. The committee supports the efforts of our individual fundraising committees, focusing on each event as it approaches to provide assistance to the event chairs. Fundraising is necessary to support our service programs and our Sponsored Leadership Programs.
The house committee keeps the meetings organized, sets up and collects materials for each meeting, and coordinates a weekly greeter and invocation leader. They are also responsible for collecting data for reporting to the treasurer and secretary. The goal of this committee is to create a positive atmosphere for our weekly meetings and assist the leadership team.
The purpose of this committee is to plan programs of interest to our current members as well as programs that would attract new members. Each week with the exception of the first week of the month which will be committee day, this group shall coordinate a speaker or event for approximately 20 minutes. The goal this year is to use monthly programming to entice guests to join our luncheons by targeting at least one speaker or program per month either from outside Wooster, or who are known community leaders, or with extraordinary entertainment value.
Public Relations & Communications
The goals of the Public Relations and Communications committee are: – to increase our marketing presence for all events and fundraisers; – to work with the local media to highlight Kiwanis events; – to communicate with the public and members through website, social media and our electronic newsletter, the Ki-Woo.
Satellite Club
This group will uphold the objectives of Kiwanis during their monthly meeting at Wayne County Schools Career Center. Participants are encouraged to attend Wooster Kiwanis events, projects, and fundraisers. This group as a committee will support the efforts of the Key Clubs. The goal of this committee is to continue to expand membership of the satellite club and actively participate in fundraising and service projects.
Young Children Priority One
The mission of our club is serving the children of our community–this committee is the heart of this mission. This committee will be the catalyst for such events as Safety Town, Bike Rodeo, Celebration of the Young Child, School Programs, and Literacy events. This committee’s role will be to mobilize our club and create energy and enthusiasm as we serve together meeting the needs of young children in our community. The committee goal is to expand young children activities in relation to literacy, safety, and health. This committee is tasked with keeping the club informed and engaged in the monthly planned activities that benefit the young children of our community.
This sub-committee is responsible for administering the Kiwanis Achievement Awards–recognizing secondary school students for a commitment to service and leadership.
In order to carry out all the projects that Kiwanis is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees.
Pancake Day, Saturday April 12th, 2025